The Review of Arts, Literature,
Philosophy and the Humanities

  Number 225

Late Spring 2012

The Vagabond's Breakfast
"He quotes a Spanish encyclopedia
that says that the plant
'grows freely in most areas,
especially scrubland, backyards and
at roadsides, and is easily found,
except by those who are
specifically looking for it.'"

Hidden Seminoles
"Like all American Indians,
the Seminoles of Florida
had it bad once the foreigners came to town.
The colonialists gave them
three important presents:
Christianity, a surprising variety
of social diseases, and, ultimately,
The Removal."

William Faulkner
Short Stories
"He tells us that
there are two,
'the homemade corn whisky he drank'
and 'that town whisky' called Scotch
that smelled like it come
out of a old bucket of roof paint."

The Plots against the President
"There was nothing ---
not so much as the twitching of a muscle,
the mopping of a brow or even
the hint of a false gaiety ---
to indicate that it wasn't
any other evening in any other place."

The FSG Book of 20th Century
Latin American Poetry

"I found a couple of
mildly interesting poems ---
one by Cecilia Merireles stands out ---
but in general, most of the rest
left me wondering
what the fuss was all about."

Asylum on the Hill
"They listed sixty-nine
possible causes of madness, including
'lactation, pregnancy, syphilis,
masturbation, intemperance, inhalation of
nitrous oxide, opium eating' and
'bathing while overheated.'"

"The man's beard
was long and dark,
with stripes of gray
in an upturned V running
downwards from his mouth.
The eyes that were
staring into my binoculars
without being aware of it
were dark, with long
lashes and a
gentle, sorrowful expression."

Building On Fire
"Considering the fairly vile treatment
the Cherokees got from
the 18th and 19th Century
Tea Party regulars ---
the 'Trail of Tears' being
a good example ---
you would expect more bitter
representations of their fate."

Joining the Resistance
"At one point,
she told Freud that she
was paying for her psychoanalysis,
that he was wasting their time
with his irrelevant rambles,
and that if he would just
shut up and listen her, her treatment
would go along just fine."

God Breaketh Not All Men's Hearts Alike
"Dreams of mass murder have only begun:
daydreams and wet dreams.
But where is the pastry?
Where are the poems?
Coming, coming, the children sing.
Coming, coming."

Great Reviews of the Past
An Old Wife's Tale
"We figure she might volunteer with
the American Friends Service Committee.
They send volunteers down to Nicaragua
to work with poor peasants for
six months or a year."

The Mythic Death of
Carlos Amantea

Multiple Personality Disorder
Married but Looking
Dan Libman

Cryptic Letters of the Month
Windmills and Birds
Attendant Beds

Letters We Never Finished Reading
a rainfall of information

Classic K
Jan Ladislav Dussek and
François-Joseph Gossec

"The management of Classic K
viewed its listeners as analogous to
18th century Hapsburg aristocrats
with wigs on their empty heads."

Great Articles of the Past
New Land Giveaway
"'American big cities
imitating a Third World City?
I suspect this bizarre idea
will cause apoplexy among
those $150,000 a year top bureaucrats,
those Planning Directors and Housing Officials
who so lavishly run our City Halls. "

Jimson Weed
"'I told it I had work to do,
and unless it wanted to
help me shift crates of tomatoes,
make itself useful,
it had best be on its way.
I was Captain Sensible:
it was the Unearthly Pook."

Great Readings of the Past
The Fiction of Oil Pollution
"The interesting thing is
how little irreversible damage
caused by our pollution of the oceans
we have been able to detect. Remove the source
and the sea recovers."

The Dead Horse
"White and green the dead horse
in the enormous field without recourse
--- and slowly the world between
his eyelashes revolved, all blurred
as in red mirror moons.
Sun shone on the teeth of the dead horse."

Nursing Home Doctor
"I say good morning and he studies me
in my white coat, like a skin lesion
he has seen only once in a textbook.
And I lead him to the door with a shingle
posted outside, his old oak desk
laid out with a blotter, fountain pen,
and a spoon for applesauce he eats."


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