Space and Sight: Marius von Senden


RE: Space and Sight


Would you be able to help me locate the following book that you mention on your website:

Space and Sight: The perception of space and shape in the congenitally blind before and after operation by Marius von Senden

I would love to buy it but have had no luck in finding it anywhere. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! It's a Christmas gift for someone very special.

- - - Jessica A. Kocan

Hi, Jessica:

What you happened across was a reading from Annie Dillard's Pilgrim at Tinker Creek. She was quoting a passage by Marius von Senden from his book Space and Sight: the perception of space and shape in the congenitally blind before and after operation.

According to Wikipedia, it was published by Methuen & Co. in 1960.

Von Senden reported that

    Many doctors had tested their patients' sense perceptions and ideas of space both before and after [cataract] operations. The vast majority of patients, of both sexes and all ages, had, in von Senden's opinion, no idea of space whatsoever. Form, distance, and size were so many meaningless syllables. A patient "had no idea of depth, confusing it with roundness."
- - - Yours in Space
L. Lark
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