The Vivisection Mambo
[Spanish Version]
TO: Lolita Lark

FROM: Francisco Huneeus

RE: The Vivisection Mambo

Hi Lolita:

You have made me VERY HAPPY with that bellísimo libro que me has mandado y he recibido hace dos días!!

  1. Porque me gusta el formato, el diseño la tipografía y el papel
  2. Porque a pesar de tenerlo solamente dos días, ya voy 1/3 leído, algo que para mí con un libro de poesía --- es un gran acontecimiento (y have this brain damage --- can't read poetry, at least in spanish (too many of them possibly)
  3. My reading has made me encounter a Zündapp motorcycle --- one of those coveted bikes in the 40 ies --- lot's of them here that time, lot's of krauts too
  4. Y me hace muy feliz saber de tí, that you are puffing & hooting like always.
  5. A few days I sent a copy the El Zen para cojos, etc etc ... to someone who needs it.
--- Abrazos,
Francisco Huneeus
Cuatros Vientos
Santiago, Chile
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