Nights in the Pink Motel
Robert Earle


Subject: Nights in the Pink Motel

I just wanted to thank you for your generous review of my book, Nights in the Pink Motel and to ask if you would be willing to post it on the Amazon site where the book is sold. You may have a policy against this, but if not and you're comfortable with the idea, I would appreciate it. The Naval Institute Press is about to release this title in e-book format, so I'm looking for ways to help alert readers to it.

Again, my thanks.

--- Robert Earle

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Hi, Robert Earle:

And thanks for your kind words about our review of Nights in the Pink Motel. The book is --- as I hope you know by now --- a fine piece of writing, a very unlikely masterpiece on a very delicate subject. I will always remember how I pulled it out of our stack of books to be reviewed, started idly in on it, and suddenly there it was, three a.m. and I was not so sure that I could leave off reading. Nor that I should.

I think much of our affection for it was that you were able to take Alain Badiou and his Saint Paul and La fondation de l'universalisme and make it and him all understandable --- real, as it were, in such surreal surroundings. I suspect the recently posted letter from Ulrich Morgenthaler --- at

--- was another tribute to this felicity of yours.

As far as Amazon ... we'd be delighted to have our review or any parts of it you want posted there. The problem is that Amazon is supposed to be one of the most reader-friendly areas of the internet, and I am damned if any of us around here can figure out how to use it, except to buy electric blankets and used copies of "Ulysses" and marker pens in bulk. We have been trying for a year to get the reviews of RALPH's new anthology up somewhere at Amazon so that people can order it, and we have yet to make head or tail of the whole intergalactic mess. If you or your publishers can figure out how to get our words up there, please do so. Even more, if you could help us figure out how to get our baby cared for as well, please let us know.

In the meantime, if you have any more novels that are going to appear, please let us know. We are willing to give up many more nights of sleep if we can do so in your able company.

--- LL

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