Vladimir Nabokov
Waco and the
American Eagle
To: carlosamantea@yahoo.com

RE: Vladimir Nabokov

Dear Sir,

[This letter, concerning some specific Nabokov's drawings, was removed at the writer's request. We leave our response in place because it may be of interest to Nabokov scholars.]

Thanks for your email concerning Vladimir Nabokov.

Unfortunately, we obtained no drawings from the Nabokov Estate for this review, so we chose generic pictures, presumably the simple Antler, Cecropia, or Bogong Moth.

We believe these drawings are in the public domain.

--- L. Lark
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RE: The Ashes of Waco

To: lolitalark@yahoo.com

Dear Lolita,

I came across this image of an eagle holding a ribbon that says "our rights and our liberties" from Google image search. Below is a link to the article the image is in.

I would like to purchase non-exclusive rights to this image. Do you know who the artist is, or who I could contact about that?

--- Anne Jordan
Hypothesis, Ltd

§     §     §

Hi, Anne:

Those drawings come from the Dover Pictorial Archive. The official title is 3800 Early Advertising Cuts: Deberry Type Foundry collected by Carol Belanger Grafton. It's a volume of ads from the late 19th, early 20th century, and all are in the public domain.

--- L. Lark
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