Tibetan Buddhism
World War One

Subject: onanism

To: poo@cts.com

making an entry in my world-renowned blog earlier this morning, i found myself in desperate need of an onanism link. went to Google, searched for "onanism." the Mark Twain speech at your site was the first link. i think this is something you should be proud of. wanted to let you know.

--- John Mayer, aka
Deils Johnson,
aka Rex Mundi

Shoulder & Wheel

<>      <>      <>


I don't know how I have managed to never come across RALPH before, but now that I have I feel I have discovered a treasure trove. Its uncanny: three of my main interests ---disability, the first world war and tibetan buddhism --- are all covered!

I would like to subscribe, but don't know whether you have "Ralph International" and are willing to send hard copies by mail overseas

Anyway, if you get past the spam and read this, then let me know

Best wishes from Manchester, UK.

--- Bernard Leach

Dear Bernard:

Actually we are rather fond of WWII as well: FDR, Churchill, Stalin, Hitler ... and the essence (and history) of tyranny.

We also like Chaucer, slavery --- one of our writers worked as a volunteer at the Anti-Slavery Society in London in 1960 --- death and dying, gutsy poetry, psychology (esp. the family therapists like Milton Erickson, Palazzoli, and Salvador Minuchin), Bach, Keats, E E Cumming, Haendel, Purcell, and anything put out by BBC - 3 (except the rock) which we listen to all the time.

The best books we've found so far on Disability are John Callahan's Don't Worry He Won't Get Far on Foot, Hugh Gallagher's FDR's Splendid Deception and the somewhat overwrought but nonetheless helpful CripZen by L Milam.

On WWI our all time favorite, outside of Barbara Tuchman, is Gerard J. De Groot which you can find reviewed at

Tibetan Buddhism? Try Anne Donovan's Buddha Da. We went nuts over that one. It has to do with Scottish Buddhism, if you will believe: the Master in a highland kilt, playing bagpipes.

Once, Wisdom Publications asked us how many of their books we had reviewed in our ten years. I think there were more than thirty titles. If you do a search utilizing your own system on "Buddhism" at

I think you will find most of them.

As far as overseas subscriptions go, it's a pain, because the international rates for printed matter are absurd. At this point we send two subscriptions to England (one the TLS, the other, the LRB) --- but they don't pay for them, we just want them to pay attention to us. But they don't, so there.

We'll ask our beloved CPA Ms. Nudlebaum how much it would cost a year to send you copies overseas. Since the FOLIO is way behind time (it costs us $1000 a shot to print up and mail out; we haven't done one since the fall) we will be working on putting one out in May, and will try to let you know then.

Write to us if you have anything to review. We don't pay, but can send you our affection and a book or two out of Mho & Mho Works at


--- Lolita Lark
Send us e-mail


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