Death Is Sitting
at the Foot
of My Bed
Oscar Hahn

My bed is unmade: sheets on the floor
and blankets ready to fly out the door.
Ms. Death announces she'll make up the bed.
I beg her not to bother: just leave it like that.
She insists and replies that our date's for tonight,
snuggles down and adds that she's in love and in the mood
I answer that I've made a promise, on the level,
not to two-time life. She says go to the Devil.
Ms. Death is sitting at the foot of my bed.
This wretched Lady Death has got the hots for me
and wants to suck me drier than a fig plucked off a tree.
I grab a big stick and try to whack her on the head.
Now she wants to lie down for a minute by my side
just to sleep a little, I need not be afraid.
From respect, I don't suggest her reputation's not so good.
Ms. Death is sitting at the foot of my bed.
--- Translated by Sandy McKinney


La Muerte
Está Sentada
A Los Pies
De Mi Cama

Mi cama está deshecha: sábanas en el suelo
y frazadas dispuestas a levantar el vuelo.
La muerte dice ahora que me va a hacer la cama.
Le suplico que no, que la deje deshecha.
Ella insiste y replica que esta noche es la fecha.
Se acomoda y agrega que esta noche me ama.
Le contesto que cómo voy a ponerle cuernos
a la vida. Contesta que me vaya al infierno.
La muerte está sentada a los pies de mi cama.
Esta muerte empeñosa se calentó conmigo
y quisiera dejarme más chupado que un higo.
Yo trato de espantarla con una enorme rama.
Ahora dice que quiere acostarse a mi lado
sólo para dormir, que no tenga cuidado.
Por respeto me callo que sé su mala fama.
La muerte está sentada a los pies de mi cama.
--- From 20th Century Latin American Poetry
A Bilingual Anthology
©1996 University of Texas Press
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