Reynolds Price, and
Idiots at RALPH

Subject: Reynolds Price's
A Whole New Life


I expect that most people with pretty much a positive, compassionate outlook on life and the rest of humanity were uplifted rather than annoyed by this book. I can appreciate that many people may be unaffected by Price's writing style --- after all, arts hits (or doesn't) people in different ways and that's its beauty --- but your review struck me as personally offensive and nasty.

Why be that way? The man's success among serious readers and scholars speaks for itself. A writer he is. I can cite you many gorgeous, lyrical, poetic passages that cut right to the heart of an issue large or small.

If you don't like him, fine, but you took a great risk and revealed more about yourself than about him in your review.


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Subject: you are an idiot

why do you do that?


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Wow, what a great review.

Having read Hidden Journey (years ago when I was "Meera rapt"), it was a Supreme pleasure to read an experience beyond my own --- one that was even more cynical than my own. We will both do well in the world.

Alas, the question will always remain --- it is something like an experience of a small child, who on a beach picks up a seashell for the first time and is enraptured for no reason whatsoever. What is that?

Blessings for all of us.

--- Mu Hansa

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