Down Syndrome and
Early Childhood Stimulation Programs

Subject: Information about experimental early childhood stimulation/education program for Down Syndrome children

Hello, how are you?

My name is Rita, from Brazil, I have just read your site about your son Aaron at

I am interest in this experimental early childhood stimulation/education program for Down Syndrome children at the Experimental Education Unit of the University of Washington.

How is the method? Are there specific books for down children? Do you know books about this issue: how to teach down children to read and write?

I have a down baby and his education has already worries me. I would like to do something, you know?

Thanks for your attention.

--- Rita Figueira

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Hello Rita,

Welcome to the Down Syndrome community.

In fact, there is an organization called the Down Syndrome Community in the USA and Canada: it shares information, educational materials, and so on, while local chapters organize local events. There might be an affiliate in Brazil: so look up Down Syndrome Community + Brazil on Google. You might also look up Fundaco Sindrome de Down - Campinas - Sao Paulo - Brazil. There may be more in Portuguese.

For a detailed account of the DS early education/stimulation program I mentioned in the RALPH article, visit:

This website was constructed for the program's 40th anniversary. It contains a detailed history of the program (with profiles of some of the pioneering first class); ACCOUNTS OF REPLICATIONS ELSEWHERE including some similar programs outside the USA; and a bibliography and reading list.

One book in the reading list, by one of the original program's principal teachers, is Teaching Reading to Children with Down Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Teachers by Patricia Logan Oelwein (Woodbine House, 1995). This book, as well as a few related ones, is available from

I think the website, and the material referenced in it, should provide most of what you are looking for. Boa sorte.

--- Jon Gallant
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